Lola Clean Freaks

3 Basic Tips To Safeguard Your Laminate Flooring

3 Basic Tips To Safeguard Your Laminate Flooring

Every time you go anywhere you always form your own first impression of the place and the people in it. When you enter someone’s house, you likely look around and keep an eye on the flooring. You may even take your shoes off to be polite. All while subconsciously you check whether the carpet or floors are clean.

So if you’re the type of person that values what others think, then pay attention to your floors as it is key to keeping a clean home. At the very least, spare some time to shine and mop it.

However, cleaning laminate floor has an added level of difficulty. Sometimes it becomes more sticky AFTER mopping.  The key is to understand laminate flooring - start with the basics and learn the best ways to clean it. Here are some tips to get you started...

Let go of traditional

A broom is not the best tool for laminate flooring. As we all know, it always leaves behind some particles or grains resulting in an irritating feeling when you walk on it.  Mopping isn't a great option either as it will just mix up those particles and spread around your floor. Some grains, tiny stones or particles may even scratch and damage your floor. To do it right, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner with a setting for hard floors to remove surface dirt. Be sure to check whether your vacuum has rolling brushes as they might damage laminate floor as well. If you really want to get the job done with no risk of damaging your floor, grab one of our sticky mops - they pick up everything that even a vacuum leaves behind.

Choose to dry clean 

Water, indeed, is a great help when it comes to cleaning. But if you don’t want your laminate floors to swell and ultimately be damaged, water is something that you should not attempt to involve in their cleaning.  Water and other liquids can flow or leak between the laminate boards, so if possible leave water out of the equation.  Dry mops, such as Lola's Swiffer® Sweeper® Comparable Wet & Dry Sweeper Floor Mop and Flexible Dust Mop, are effective for cleaning laminate floors. In cases when you absolutely must use water, use a minimal amount by putting it in a spray bottle, and sprinkle it as needed for a given section. In the majority of cases, a microfiber cleaning cloth will be your best bet as they've proven to be an effective absorbent.  The Revolution Microfiber Spin Mop System and The Evolution Microfiber Self-Washing Mop System are two mops that if used carefully, are also viable options.  One last item that works well on laminate flooring is the Microfiber Spritz n' Mop - it sprays a light mist and has a 17" wide microfiber head so it can be used either wet or dry.

Keep it that way

To protect is always better than to replace.  This calls for you to be proactive, rather than reactive. You exerted effort, money and time in choosing and installing that beautiful flooring and if damaged, you'll have to spend it all over again. Take protective measures instead. If you're pressed for time, just placing mats at the entrances of your home can make a huge difference. You can also implement some rules in your house like taking shoes off before anyone enters.  You may also put maintenance pads on the bottom of sofas, tables, and chairs to protect your floor from any possible damage, leaving it beautiful as it is.

Always remember that the floor is the foundation of every beautiful home.

Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal: Bolder and Cooler

Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal: Bolder and Cooler

“You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

In your home, you share stories and laughter, you give hugs and second chances, you say “thank you” and “I’m sorry”, you celebrate victories and mourn losses, you build your dreams with hopes and welcome individuals you call family.

That’s why regardless of the season, whether you’re planning to sell it in the future or not, it is important that you invest extra effort to increase its curb appeal. Here are some tips to help you out.

Colors speak louder than words. Picking out paint colors for your home's exterior is a priority. You must consider three different complementary hues—siding, front door, and trim—as well as the cost, time and effort you should exert in painting your whole house.

Cultivate your own garden.  Use flowering trees as borders to your entire yard. Trim your bushes and hedges evenly and regularly. Use stones and pebbles decoratively to decrease the amount of grass on your lawn. Group similar flowers and plants together according to their needs such as water, sunlight and soil type required. This way, you can ensure that you treat all of your plants properly and that you maximize their beauty.

Good fences make good neighbors.  Building a good fence is more than just making it look good. It is all about considering the function you want the fence to serve, choosing the right materials, building and maintaining it properly. Select the right type of fence according to your need. It can be a decorative fence that is more about design, a protective fence that’s focused more on security features, or a privacy fence that is more about the height.

Welcome them with a front porch. We love the way a porch functions as an additional living room during the spring and summer months. You can arrange an intimate corner where you can chat with your friends or loved ones. It can be a combination of two outdoor sofas and a table on a corner or two rocking chairs facing the yard.

Lights will guide your home. Illuminate your yard with landscape lighting. You may place decorative area lights in your garden to illuminate your plants and flowers and increase its appeal, especially at night. You may also want to put lighting at the corners of areas such as decks, patios, walkways and entryways in order to light paths.

Clear the path.  Clear out weeds and neaten up your backyard. Repair the damaged areas of your driveway and freshen up sides with stones and pebbles.

Don’t be like the rest of them, darling. Lastly, find a unique door that matches your home design. And, always keep in mind that while other people overlook small details such as the house numbers, you can turn them to a new center of attraction - a head-turning, cool and stylish house decoration. Make them big and bold yet beautiful.

Horrible Cleaning Habits You Need To Break!

Horrible Cleaning Habits You Need To Break!

We all try keeping our homes clean and tidy, but it is never easy! Sometimes taking “shortcuts” to make the cleaning easier is actually making more work for us in the long run; and we may accidentally do things that are less than helpful.

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Make Your Bathroom Tiles Sparkle With This Quick DIY Solution

Make Your Bathroom Tiles Sparkle With This Quick DIY Solution

Household chores may be a bit of a burden for some people, but for others, they find it enjoyable and therapeutic. If you were to list all of the household chores that “spark joy” in your everyday routine, which ones would be going on the list? Well, ours would probably look a little something like this...

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Kick the Clutter- Get Rid of the Things That Don’t Belong On Your Dining Table

Kick the Clutter- Get Rid of the Things That Don’t Belong On Your Dining Table

The dining table is one of the most used pieces of furniture in our homes. It's not just where you eat, but also a space where we set up our computer to work, do homework and so much more.

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How To Deep Clean Your Fridge and Keep It Fresh

How To Deep Clean Your Fridge and Keep It Fresh

We all enjoy grocery shopping, ordering food for takeout or simply buying grub and produce for our daily consumption. And where does all this stuff go straight to? Yup, the refrigerator.

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Disgusting Toilet Cleaning Habits That We Are All guilty of!

Disgusting Toilet Cleaning Habits That We Are All guilty of!

They say good manners and proper conduct starts at home... and so does cleanliness and sanitation. We are already exposed to too much dirt and bacteria outside, and our house should be the safest place where we can be sure we are away from germs and the risk of illness.

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Making A Child-Safe Home

Making A Child-Safe Home

Most of the time, we worry about our children’s safety and health whenever they are outside, thinking about the viruses and sicknesses they can pick up. However, we set aside the fact that sometimes, it is what’s inside which makes them ill. Many of the bacteria that cause disease start in the home, so it is our duty to make sure our home is safe for our beloved children.

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WORKING WITH SUNSHINE: Sunlight As An Effective Cleaning Alternative

WORKING WITH SUNSHINE: Sunlight As An Effective Cleaning Alternative

The world has produced countless powerful, yet expensive cleaning products using advanced chemical technology and sophisticated ingredients, all which effectively aide with many of our daily cleaning jobs. However, there are natural ways to clean that we should not live without.

Fortunately, many of our cleaning problems can be easily tackled with the powers and wonders of our glorious sun. The sun can do things man simply cannot.  We wonder why cleaning products aren’t working after countless uses. These products are made famous on television or over the internet with massive ad campaigns, but still the problems go unsolved. So, maybe the answer is simply peeking through our windows.

Truth of the matter, sunlight is the most natural way of dealing with drying and/or disinfecting. This method surely served its purpose for many households not so long ago, and many people still prefer sunshine over modern technology.

Sunlight as Natural Disinfectant

Sunlight is a traditional alternative to disinfect unlike harsh bleaches used in many commercial cleaning products, which are very damaging to the environment. In fact, natural and direct sunlight is one of the most powerful and natural “bleaches” known to mankind.  

Sunlight as a Natural Anti-fungal

Leaving objects under direct sunlight will also help reduce mold and mildew. All bedding and upholstery put outside to be aired dry under direct sunlight for a few hours will be disinfected by nature. Sunlight can potentially kill spores, so goodbye to mold and mildew.

Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Did you know that many insects and parasites can be easily killed off or driven away by the warmth of the sun? That is why sun drying is effective in battling bed bugs and other critters from infesting your pillows and bed sheets.  Freshen your pillows and sheets by putting them under the sun, surely, the bugs and odors will be gone.

Remember, sunshine is not just beneficial to plants, but is equally able to aide in the cleanliness of your home and the health and well-being of your family and loved-ones.
When Life Give’s You Lemons, Clean with them!

When Life Give’s You Lemons, Clean with them!

The lemon, aside from being a detoxifier to the human body, is also known as one of the best natural cleaning agents for our home, due to its antibacterial properties. However, most people are not aware of its additional uses, aside from the extracted juice. So, here, we will be discussing how you can use lemons in your daily cleaning routine.

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