If humans have skin, our home as well as the furniture inside it also have surfaces. Just like us and our beauty regimen, our shelter’s surrounding also needs some thorough care to be on its best condition. However, it may not be as easy as it seems as property is a much larger area to work on compared to our body. Plus, it is composed of different types of surfaces which require different measures and materials to deal with.
Unfortunately, many home owners don’t bother to look into this area. But, it is non-negotiable. Everyone must accept that the usual method of wiping a surface with dump cloth is not applicable to everything because sometimes, you also need to do some scrubbing.
Concrete walls and surfaces should be treated differently from plastic materials, wooden tools, steel wares and ceramics. It is crucial to be aware of this to prevent jeopardizing the quality of your possessions.
It is also important to take note that you can’t purely rely on products that you can buy on the supermarket. You also have to invest time and make efforts if you really want to maintain your property.
On soft surfaces as well as on cloth, leather and cotton, it is really advisable to be careful. Mild scrubbing using Jumbo Microfiber Cleaning Cloth cleans without the use of harsh chemical. If there are stains that are hard to remove, research first about what is the effective agent to remove it without damaging the material itself.
While wooden and glass which are both sensitive to cleaning agents especially liquid ones should be handled with extra care especially if you use them for food. It is also advisable to use smooth materials such as cloth or sponge. You can try Lola Wowables and save yourself from stress cause of its effectiveness even after several uses.
Ceramics on the other hand should be mopped. In Lola, you have plenty of choices from The Revolution microfiber spin mop, Squeezematic Sponge Mops, Scrubber Roller mop, Flexible dust mops, and the Sticky Mop. It is not recommendable to use soap, vinegar and even ammonia on this surface as it may trigger the growth of molds and may damage your floors.
On plastic countertops, cabinets and equipment, an all purpose cleaner will do. But, brushing is a must. Make sure not to use brushes with bristles that are too rough as they may leave scratches and dents on the furniture. Instead, you can use organic and all-natural Tampico scrub brush which are suited for delicate surfaces.
Lastly, on stainless steel surfaces, never use abrasive cleansers or bleach because it can pit the surface. Just a Cellulose Sponge Cloth with the help of a solution made out of water and baking soda will do.
This may seem a lot but believe it or not, a bucket of equipment is enough. As long as you know what works best on what kind of material, then you won’t have a problem and definitely won’t have to spend too much just to clean everything inside your house.