Lola Clean Freaks

But First, Clean Your Coffee Maker!

But First, Clean Your Coffee Maker!

If you're a caffeine freak like me, for sure, you also find it hard to start your day without sipping that cup of freshly brewed coffee. But like most people, you probably don’t clean your coffee maker regularly. You might be one of those who have been convinced by some myth saying that the secret to a truly rich and flavorful coffee is by not cleaning your coffee maker frequently (or worse, not at all). 

But mind you, that is the quickest route to a sore tummy. Like dark magic, the scent of unclean coffee machines can attract evil creatures, I meant, micro-organisms that are harmful to the body. Just kidding, but seriously, no kidding! Instead of gaining an energy boost for the day, you might end up wishing you have the power to turn back time and would have just cleaned your coffee maker the right way. I can actually make a list of reasons why you should clean your coffee maker often, but rather, I am choosing to write a fool-proof spell to give your coffee maker that sparkling clean look like it's brand new.

Empty Your Coffee Maker

Give your carafe a good rinse, a really good one. Your carafe is exposed to mineral content left by used coffee. Leaving it dirty over a long period of time will solidify any stain, making it harder to clean. Good thing though, with Lola's "The Original" Kitchen Sponge Puff Bottle Cleaner™, this won't be that hard to do.

Fill the Water Reservoir with Cleaning Solution

There isn't any sorcery involved in this, but a mixture of equal parts of water and white vinegar has done "magical" things in the housekeeping arena. Fill up your reservoir with the water-vinegar solution, and let it rest for about 30 minutes. 

Run a Brew Cycle

Once your magical potion, I meant the cleaning solution, has rested enough in the reservoir, you can now start with a new brew cycle. Let the cleaning solution finish brewing completely before pouring it out from the carafe. Replace the filter again, as necessary. 

Repeat Brew Cycle with Tap Water

Repeat the brew cycle, but this time, fill the reservoir with water from the tap. It may feel like some sort of deja-vu but repeat this step at least once or twice to make sure your coffee maker has been rid of all that "magical" cleaning solution. Keep the reservoir lid open for an ample amount of time to avoid moisture collecting inside. 

Wash Removable Parts and Wipe Down Coffee Maker

Now that you've flushed out the darkness inside your coffee maker, it's high time to give your coffee maker's external facade a deep clean as well. Wipe down the exterior of your coffee maker using Lola® Anti-microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloth, which can inhibit the growth of bacteria and germs. Wash all the removable parts such as the carafe and filter baskets. Finish it off by drying them all with Wowables® Reusable & Biodegradable Paper Towels. 

You may consider deep-cleaning your coffee maker at least once a week. In doing so, you are assured that you can enjoy a clean cup of freshly brewed coffee with your morning bagel, of which I can also share with you a good recipe. But first, let me finish my cup of coffee.

War Against the Unseen: You vs. Household Germs

War Against the Unseen: You vs. Household Germs

It’s a Saturday morning. You’re still fast asleep. Your alarm didn’t go off – because you didn’t have to set any. You don’t intend to get out of bed early – because you’ve worked hard the entire week and this is your reward. Such a great feeling, right? 

But wait, household germs are not going to take a break and chill-out. Unlike you, they never get tired. Just like that, you realized you had to get up, put your game face on, and defeat the enemies you don’t exactly see – the germs in your household.

In your war against these household germs, you may think they have the advantage. You’re not wrong. Unlike you, they can be just about everywhere at once, launching a sneak attack against you from all directions — like Lola® 360° Duster’s ability to reach every corner of your home. And when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat, you are either always in a hurry, or in this case, too tired to do anything. They aren’t.

That being said, you can’t just let these germs reign supreme. Keeping them at bay helps keep infectious diseases from spreading, and this on-the-go and easy cleaning tactics can guide you to victory in your fight against the household germs empire.

Know Your Enemies

Do a reconnaissance mission — know where the germs usually are. As a general rule, surfaces that get touched often and with high traffic are always going to be a base camp for these germs. It’s no surprise that studies show the kitchen area as one of the best breeding grounds of germs, bacteria and viruses at home — the kitchen sink and countertops in particular. Once you know where the enemies usually are, you can initiate an attack by using Lola® Anti-microbial Clean N’ Wipe™ Cloth to, for the lack of a better word, wipe them out.

Use the Right Weapon

If you're gonna wage war against germs, you better bring out the best and right cleaning weapons. Using Lola® Rubaway™ Eraser Pads with soap will easily remove dirt and grime so you can say goodbye to germs. It's usually enough for many conspicuous surfaces. For hard-to-reach areas at home, scrubbing with Any Which Way™ Flexible Scrub Brush will certainly make any corner at home seem to be just within your reach. Lastly, pairing The Revolution™ Microfiber Spin Mop System with a cleaner-disinfectant solution will definitely be a powerful ammunition against germs that are hiding in plain sight.

Instigate Small (But Frequent) Attacks

To win this war, a single big move is never the only secret weapon. You can take down serious germ strongholds by doing simple chores in just a few minutes of your day, but you may need to do it every single day. Start by cleaning and disinfecting countertops, sink, door knobs and handles, and any other surfaces that are obviously dirty. With Wowables® Reusable & Biodegradable Paper Towels, you might just accomplish this daily task without even breaking a sweat. You may even find the time to also sweep your garages and basements with Lola® Eco-Friendly All Natural Corn Broom and annihilate those small dirt and dust particles that support the spread of household germs.

Whether you like it or not, your battle against household germs will never have a definite end. No matter what you do, they have the ability to always come back and do some more harm. Good thing though, executing the above cleaning strategy will be good for you in the long run. These tactics can surely slow them down, and who knows, they might even completely abort their mission and raise a white flag.

Must-Buy Lola Products for Exotic Pet Owners

Compared to being a typical dog or cat owner, having an ‘exotic’ type of pet requires you to provide extra care and effort especially with the cleaning procedure

There are specific instructions on how to feed, house, and protect these animals and ideally, you already know them before taking custody of your pet. What we want to share with you today are some products that exotic pet owners can rely on.


Daily spot-cleaning is a must for most small mammal and bird cages. Aside from this, it is also advisable to do an overhaul and complete scrub down in the environment of your pets at least once a year.

While doing so, all pets should be transferred and temporarily housed in a travel carrier or an escape-proof box with sufficient air access. All bedding, hay, toys, food bowls, and hide boxes should also be removed.

Meanwhile, the cage grate and tray or other floorings must be scrubbed thoroughly with this cleaning towel from Lola. Together with soap and hot water, you can remove all the debris and stains without causing damage to the cage. It is also washable so you can make use of it over and over again. If you think you need a tougher scrubber, then you might need our Handled Scrubber Brush. This tool is gentle to your hands but tough on dirt. 

After cleaning, you can dry your cage and remove any trace of cleaners with a fresh new sheet of Wowablesâ„¢. Take note that aerosol cleaners should never be sprayed near pets and only mild, unscented detergent should be used if you wish to clean cloth materials.

You should also have a full inspection in case there are soiled and heavily chewed wooden toys and hide boxes or cracked food bowls and water bottles that you need to throw away and replace.

Lola Rola Sticky Mopâ„¢

There are a couple of elements that you need to monitor when you own a fish or reptile tank including water condition and temperature, or the state of the solid substrate.

When cleaning aquariums, you got to worry about the stains or streaks stuck on the glass from time to time. If there’s water in it, except that you have to continuously filter it because your pet will both eat and defecate in the water, so it is regularly soiled. Aside from that, you should also partially change the water every week and completely replace it at least once a year. In all of these cleaning sessions, you will need Lola’s innovative cleaning mop to collect wastes off your containment glass or floor.

Just as with cages, all objects including toys and decorations must be brushed, washed, and rinsed completely free of soap and chemicals before they are brought back together with your animals. Make sure you also contact and consult your veterinarian regularly to check whether the materials you are using are safe for your critters.

360° Duster Extender Set

Your spot cleaning session with your birdcage should be daily and deep cleaning should be done at least annually.

After putting your bird in a temporary or travel cage, you can remove dust and feathers from your cage with our durable duster. It can reach throughout your cage with its extendable hand.

Then you can put it in a sink or bathtub (if it is small) for washing while bigger ones need to be taken outside and hosed off. Food and water bowls will need to be cleaned thoroughly as well.

You can use also Anti-Microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloths to apply cleaning chemicals and disinfectants and our Cellulose Sponge Cloths to dry or absorb any leftover soap or solution. Make sure you rinse the cage properly before bringing back your pet because the odor that it can cause may irritate your pets.

Aside from your will and determination, know that an efficient cleaning tool is what you need to ensure that your loved pet gets to live its life to the fullest.


Backyard and Garden Landscapes Maintenance Guide

Backyard and Garden Landscapes Maintenance Guide

Yes, travel restrictions are being loosened and lockdowns are being eased, yet we all feel like we still don’t have many things to do outside. So many are more focused on what they can do indoors or at least within their yard.

People have more time for their gardens nowadays. But many have no idea where to start or don’t know what video tutorial to watch on Youtube. If you are one of them, why don’t you try to give this article a quick read, and maybe this will help you know how to maintain and keep your garden a sight that’s worthy to look at.


You may not have noticed before that you already have an overgrown yard at home, and that’s understandable. But there’s no excuse not to deal with it right now. You have to start cutting all the excess grasses and small plants. There are lots of available equipment and method to get rid of the weeds. But what we recommend is for you to deal with the rocks, pebbles, twigs, and other debris underneath so it will be easier when you start cutting. 

Lola has the Corn Broom which you can use to sweep rocks and twigs around to move them out of your way. Chances are, if you let them be, you may have trouble later on with stones flying around trying to hit your face.


After eliminating the small ones, moving out the boulders, tree branches, should be your next priority. While doing this you can also pick up other types of trash such as old plastic bottles, beer cans, and candy wrappers. Lola Dustpan and brush set clip-on will help you collect trash that was stuck on sand, mud, or soil. It also helps you segregate things that were meant to be thrown away from those that you want to leave behind. After sweeping your yard from end to end, you can hull all the items away at once with a wheelbarrow. Everything for absolute disposal or garbage should be packed before putting them in the trash to save space. If you like, you can use the rocks you collected to make an attractive landscape.


Bring back the life out of your garden and give attention to what now seems to be grotesque figures. Some may require replacement but look for those that are only in need of some cleaning and wiping. Using Wowables™, you may still be able to bring out the color, texture, or shape of your garden decorations. This cleaning tool won’t scratch or damage them because it is designed not to. It is also washable so you can use it to clean regularly.


With all the plant matter you have gathered on your compost pit, you can now produce rich soil to fertilize your garden plants regularly. You just need to cut large sticks and branches into smaller pieces and add topsoil on top of the materials you have in the compost pile. Then you can put some water on the thoroughly mixed contents to keep it moist. You can add more yard waste to the compost weekly.

This shows that you don’t need to hire a professional and spend lots of money to clear your yard quickly and easily. Since your backyard is an ideal place to relax or spend quality time with your loved ones, it is essential to maintain it and keep it tidy. Also, when the time comes that you decide to sell a property, having a well-kept backyard will be your advantage because it will enhance your home’s value.


Best Cleaning Practices for Evacuation Sites

Best Cleaning Practices for Evacuation Sites

In times of chaos and disaster, evacuation sites serve as a haven for people who are desperate for shelter. But it does not ensure their safety all the time, they may be unharmed by the calamity but they can be prone to diseases caused by a dirty and contaminated environment.

Regardless if you are a volunteer or an ordinary citizen, knowing these best practices for evacuation sites is essential to help protect not only your family but also the other members of your community.

Sanitize High-Risk Surfaces There are lots of common areas on evacuations sites that are constantly exposed and touched by people. These include food preparation areas, diaper changing tables, and surfaces soiled with body fluid (flood, feces and vomit, etc.) This is why thorough cleaning and disinfection should be done from time to time so that any trace of germ, bacteria, or dirt which can cause illness or allergies will be eliminated.

In doing so, we highly recommend the use of Wowables™. It is engineered specifically to clean surfaces without leaving any dirt nor damages behind. In addition, it is made durable and treated with anti-microbial agents so rest assured that no germ will continue to grow and spread disease. You will also need an effective cleaning solution to back up your tools.

For volunteers, mattresses, bed frames, and pillows must be washed and cleaned in between departures and arrivals of other evacuees. Handled Scrubber will assist you with this task. It is gentle on your hand but tough on dirt.

Meanwhile, you can take care of the floors with our Floor Deck Brush, it is thoroughly clean between gaps and crevices, making it perfect for tile, wood, concrete, and other types of surfaces.

Clean spills

Immediately deal with spilled chemicals or waste so anyone won’t be harmed. Wear protection gear especially in your hands and face. Use Anti-microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloths. It does make specifically deal with waste. But be careful not to use it on corrosive material because it cannot protect you and you may still hurt your hand. Meanwhile, our Cellulose Sponge Cloth will absorb excess moisture on surfaces helping you dry it while you properly dispose of the liquid.

Extra reminder to check roofs, walls, or plumbing regularly in case there are any damages or leaks that need repair. These spills when left untouched can later become stagnant puddles which can attract disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes. Worse comes to worst, it will lead to an outbreak that will affect many lives. So, better deal with it as soon as possible.

Assign proper waste disposal areas with enough trash bins

Any evacuation site which will hold a population for some time should have waste bins that encourage proper segregation so the trash will be separated according to distinction and so they can be easily be dealt with by waste management personnel.

The surrounding of these bins should also be cleaned regularly to avoid attracting insects and pests. Lola has a variety of cleaning mops such as the Lola Rola Sticky Mop™ which can be used to collect dirt, dust, and debris on different surfaces. Aside from its extendable handle which allows you not to have direct contact with the wastes, it also has easy-to-tear cleaning sheets for quick and easy disposal.

Now you can help your entire neighborhood to have a comfortable and safe stay while you all wait for the storm out.


Tips to Develop a Cleaning Routine for Young Couples

Tips to Develop a Cleaning Routine for Young Couples

Let’s say you just moved into your new house and it’s your first time to leave together as a couple. It would be a huge responsibility because now you are on your own and you have to take care of everything. Don’t worry about unpacking because it is just the start of it all, what you both must think about are the following days, weeks, and months.

Chances are, you still need to develop a cleaning routine together to keep your new home neat, comfy, and presentable. Before you finally adapt and be able to create a regular cleaning pattern and schedule, check out these tips where you can begin:

Start from Top to Bottom

Cleaning randomly and without any organization is a bad idea. It is inefficient and will only exhaust you and make you more reluctant of cleaning your home by yourself next time. The wise thing to do is to start cleaning the highest parts of the room such as the ceiling and the floors. This makes leftover dust fall on the floor. Doing otherwise will only waste your time and effort because when you start from the bottom, it will only get dirty again later on.

What tool can help you reach out dirt, dust, and debris in these high places? Try Lola Rola Sticky Mop™! A new and extraordinary tool with an extendable handle and some sticky cleaning sheets to collect anything that you want to put in the trash. Imagine how fast you and your partner can clean your entire house with a very efficient tool.

If you still have some leftover dust on the floor, then deal with it with our Angle Broom which is designed to reach even the narrowest corners. Keeping up with the tips above will make this a very light task which you can do weekly or depend on if you have some extra time.

Clean One Room at a Time

Do not think that the two of you can clean an entire house (average size) in a day–-At least not thoroughly. Just the thought of it is already tiring enough. So better not pressure yourself.

You are free to schedule when you will deal with your living room, bedroom, and other rooms. This is an efficient strategy to be organized and to avoid being overwhelmed. 

You can start by wiping and dusting furniture along with everything that you put in them. Wowables™ is a multi-purpose cleaning cloth made durable and suitable for different surfaces such as wood, tile, or stainless steel. Meanwhile, you can count on our 360° Duster Extender Set to remove dirt and cobweb on your cabinets and drawers.

Be extra Thorough with your Fridge and Dining Area

You can end the day without touching all other rooms but leaving your dining area and fridge unclean is such a hassle. Soon enough your stomachs will be crumbling and you’ll be rummaging around trying to prepare food. The sight of a mess is unappetizing.

So don’t forget to put your fridge and dining area on your priority list. Make sure you wipe every surface of your dining table and your fridge interior with separate sheets of Cellulose Sponge Cloths. This is treated with anti-microbial agents which hate germs and are designed to diffuse as well as absorb not only moisture but also cleaning solution.

It should be enough after you finish cleaning these two areas, you can unpack your entire kitchen later on.

After all, these and you still have some energy, perhaps you can check your bathroom and sink too. They are essentials too because one way or another, you will have to use them within the day.


GRACEFUL EXIT: Cleaning Checklist When Moving Out

GRACEFUL EXIT: Cleaning Checklist When Moving Out

Cleaning before completely moving out is not just to show decency and respect for the next people who will be moving in, it is also a way to ensure that you will be getting your rental deposit back in full.

So don’t forget to check if there’s any room still in need of cleaning. Hiring a cleaning service is not necessary to get the job done. All you need are some effective tools and good music and you’re ready to clean your condo or apartment. 

Don’t worry because we are here to assist. This complete apartment move-out cleaning checklist has everything you need to deep-clean your space before moving to a new place. Let’s get cleaning first!

Eliminate Cobwebs from Ceiling

You may have forgotten this for a long-time but pulling down cobwebs should be one of your top priorities before moving out. You can use Lola Rola Sticky Mop™ to easily and quickly pick up dust and cobwebs. You’ll have no trouble because this cleaning tool has a long extendable arm and its mop head is armed with easy-to-tear sheets which effectively collect debris. After it has been filled, you can rip it off and dispose of it while another sheet is exposed and ready to clean.

Remove Dust from Blinds

No need to use wet rugs which will only contaminate blinds even further with germs. Our 360° Duster Extender Set tool is designed to perform much better than traditional feather dusters. It has a microfiber head to reach deep through the window blinds collecting even the smallest loose particles. It also has an extendable handle in case your windows are wide and large and you need to reach out a bit.

Wipe Clean Windows

A window or glass solution is good when cleaning your windows. But without good cloth that you can use when wiping, the tendency is there will be dirt left behind or your windows will be filled with lint or streaks. You can avoid all these with Wowables™ Cleaning Towel. This paper towel alternative is made durable and gentle so it won’t cause even a slight scratch. With this cloth, thoroughly dusting off handles, locks, and between the sliding tracks of your windows will be a piece of cake.

Inspect Lights

Lighting is one essential aspect of any house. Even after your turn of using them, you should still find time to check all lightbulbs and immediately replace any bulbs that have gone out. You must also sanitize light switches. You can easily do so with the help of our Anti-microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloth. This cleaning cloth is treated with agents that prevent the growth of bacteria, making it perfect for common areas such as light switches. You can also use it to clean fixtures as well as the actual lightbulbs.

Clean Walls and Baseboards

With Jumbo Microfiber Cloth, you could remove any debris stuck on your baseboards. When combined with the appropriate cleaning solution, this works for stains on walls too. Its composition is engineered for deep cleaning so even the toughest dirt stuck on gaps and crevices will be removed. 

Now you can move on with relief knowing there will be no complaints because you did extra to ensure that the place you leave behind can be the perfect ‘home’ for the next tenants.


Makeover through Cleaning: Make Your Home Look Brand New

Makeover through Cleaning: Make Your Home Look Brand New

You don’t always have to renovate to make your home look fresh and new. If you want to make a quick makeover to your place, don’t buy a new set of furniture just yet. Focus on things that you can easily move or replace. That’s where you can start.

Here are some tips that you can do to make your home look brand new:

Replace Curtains with New OnesPutting up curtains in your windows is like putting up makeup on your face. It adds emphasis to your windows and changes the ambiance of your room.

One way to create a fresh look for your house is by replacing your curtains with new colors or designs. Something light is advisable so the natural light will freely go in. If you’re not much of a curtain fan, you can go bare and use other decorations instead.

Keep in mind that the goal is not only to design your windows but also to keep them clean. In doing so, we advise you to invest in Wowables™ Cleaning Towels which you can use effectively to wipe off dirt and dust.

Move your bed into a Different Angle

Your bed is one piece of furniture that you can quickly move around. Except if you had it fixed and locked in position. By putting it on a different side or wall, you create an all-new layout without doing so much.

That will allow you to re-work your room and clean up corners that you weren’t able to clean up before. Angled Broom is perfect to quickly remove dust and other loose particles.

A clean mattress and bedding will add an even fresher look and can make you feel more comfortable too. All of these are possible without doing anything major inside your room.

Bring in New Sofa Pillows

Investing in decorative sofa pillows is cost-friendly and effective in giving a fresher look to your home. There are lots of available colors, patterns, and textures that you can choose from. You can even purchase customized ones that are perfectly matched to your preference.

If you are into a minimalist clean look, you can try neutral-toned pillows. While if you are looking to feel something new, you can consider your plain fabric pillows and exchange them with pillows made of fur or velvet.

What you don’t want is your couch and pillow getting dusty. To prevent this, having our Jumbo Microfiber Cloth by your side is the key.

Install Floating Shelves

An ordinary wall can be transformed into a powerful one with a set of floating shelves. But more than design, you’ll benefit more from its space-saving function because there will be less furniture in your floor space. With these, you can store almost all sorts of things including books, dishes, or your toy collections.

With floating shelves, dust and dirt buildup will be reduced because they can be usually found under pieces of furniture. Now with less furniture on the floor, means your home will look wider and there’s less need to sweep.

Paint walls

With painting, you are free to choose whether you like to change the entire interior look of your home or just some parts of it.

Before making up your mind with the color or shade that you want to use, what you must do first is clean it. We are confident that no other tool can perform the duty of cleaning walls with the same level as Lola Rola Sticky Mop™. With its extendable handle and easy-to-tear mop head, there will be no more bumps and irregularities that will you achieve a fresh attractive look for your walls.

Cleaning Tips for those who prefer Living in a House Alone

Cleaning Tips for those who prefer Living in a House Alone

Keeping your place clean and comfortable is always a challenge regardless if it’s your first time living alone or not. There’s no denying either that cleaning is tough many people do not like it. But there’s no escaping it especially if you are home alone. Unless you are willing to spend on cleaning services all your life.

Otherwise, you’ll find these tips useful in dealing with different areas at your home when you are alone:

Maintain Intensive Kitchen Cleaning and Minimized Food Preparation 

Since you’ll be dining alone, it is already given that you’ll only be using a few pieces of utensils and plates. Preparing what you’ll be eating is a different story though. While cooking, you can use lots of cookware pieces. But if you want to be wise, it’s best if you minimize what you’ll be using so you won’t be surprised by the number of dishes you’ll be washing after. To help you further, using Pot Brite™ Scouring Sponge to effectively clean your dishes from grease.

The kitchen is a very critical part of your home because it is where food is prepared. That’s why you must keep it clean at all times. Aside from cleaning dishes, It is also essential to wipe your stove, countertops, kitchen sink, and furniture surfaces. All of these will require specialized cleaning materials such as Anti-Microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloths. This one is treated with germ-killing properties and designed not to leave scratches, dents, or streaks on surfaces.

Be Thorough when it comes to Your Bathroom

You have a wide range of surfaces that you have to clean around your bathroom. There are lots of things that can also create stains when they build up. These include body spray, soap scum, oil, and body dirt. Over time, you have to clean them thoroughly with a bleaching agent and an effective tool.

For one, we recommend using Cellulose Sponge & Scourer. It’s great not only for wiping clean dirt and stains but also for absorbing moisture.

We also have the Handled Scrubber to conveniently clean tough dirt on crevices and tile gaps. Deck Scrub Brush on the other hand is perfect for a total makeover of your bathroom floor. Just a few sweeps and soap scum build-ups will surely be gone and down on the drain.

Don’t worry if you have a glass bathroom because Wowables™ Cleaning Cloth won’t leave any scratch or streak so you can use it to clean or dry glass or mirrors.

Of course, we cannot forget the toilet and all the notorious stains that may accumulate on it. This is one area of the house that requires treatment with strong cleaning agents to be kept clean and germ-free. Just don’t forget to wear your protective gear before cleaning so you’ll stay safe!

Create a Brief but Regular Living Room Routine

Even if you are only expecting a few guests between long periods, it’s no excuse to neglect your living room because it remains the face of your home. It must be presentable because it will be the first sight of every visitor. We’re sure you don’t want to be embarrassed during surprise visits from your friends or family.

Aside from vacuuming, you can also use Lola’s Sticky Mop to remove dirt and other debris on your walls. It is convenient to use because it has an easy-to-tear sheet that collects the dirt.

Couches can harbor a build-up of dust or pet fur (if you have an animal with you) which will lead to foul odors, to get prevent it, regularly removing dust with our 360° Duster Extender Set is the key. Using mild detergent can also help do the trick.

Moving furniture from time to time is necessary for you to reach areas that are not usually easy to access. Angled Broom will then take charge in taking loose dirt out. Do not forget to clean the windows and door handles as well.



Problems of Living with Minimum Space and How Cleaning can Solve them

Problems of Living with Minimum Space and How Cleaning can Solve them

One common problem to many homeowners is space. Not only it limits mobility but it also hinders the capability to design and decorate while affecting the number of furniture and visitors.

It doesn’t have to be much of a worry though, because they are some ways on home to maximize your limited home space and still make the best out of it.

A Clutter of Appliances

Don’t you think your huge flat-screen TV and sound system are taking too much space? If you think there’s nothing you can do, then let us tell you that not all hope is gone.

Setting up an entertainment center can be so space-consuming if you will put everything on your floor. Instead, you can utilize your walls and mount your TV or other appliances. This will save space while offering a classic, clutter-free look.

Remember that a buildup of dust and dirt can take up space too. So sweeping regularly with Lola Angled Broom can help you not only maintain your home’s cleanliness but also free up space that you can use on decorations and other pieces of furniture.

Bulky Storage Pieces

Instead of always having big cabinets, why not go with floating shelves or built-in bookcases to allow yourself to organize without taking up too much floor space. Multifunctional furniture pieces that can serve as both an organization solution and a seat or table are also useful. These are great too if you want to increase storage without compromising on style.

Installing sliding or pocket doors and windows is also considered space-wise instead of using traditional doors which require a certain amount of space for swinging open. The only problem with this modern furniture is that they are more prone to dust and stains which you can easily remove with Wowables™ Cleaning Towel and 360° Extender Duster Set.

Heading towards the kitchen, Magnetic Strips may be handy to save counter space. Using it you can just hang your knives, chopping boards, and other stainless steel utensils. You can also use these to hang your most-used spice jars and potholders.

Additional floating shelves can be installed for storing pots, pans, and other light appliances. Racks with hooks or pegboards on the other hand can be used to hang your coffee mugs.

Crowded Walls

Knit-picking pictures or painting frames on your walls is necessary to find out whether you can bring down some to make your house’s surfaces look less crowded. You can also determine that whether you can use these spaces for a more important purpose.

What you must not forget while doing this task is cleaning your walls with Lola Rola Sticky Mop™. It is an effective tool that will take care of dust and webs.

‘Out of Order’ Closets

Since smaller rooms can only cater to smaller closets, staying organized is a must. As the owner, what you should do is regularly revisit your wardrobe every season and rotate your clothes, making sure there are no unnecessary clutters. Learning new folding techniques which save space is also helpful. But the ultimate tip you must apply is to throw or give away clothing that doesn’t fit you anymore.