Laptops are great because they’re portable, but if you don’t take care of your laptop screen, it won’t be portable for very long. Keeping your laptop in tip-top shape is important if you want to be able to use it for many years. Cleaning your laptop screen can be intimidating because it requires the use of cleaning supplies that could potentially damage it if used incorrectly. To clean your laptop screen safely, follow these simple steps below, and you’ll never have to worry about whether or not you’re doing it correctly again!

What you need
Before attempting any cleaning, it’s a good idea to gather the necessary tools. Great news! You're only going to need a Lola® Anti-microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloth and a Lola® Jumbo Microfiber Cleaning Cloth. You may also opt to add to your list a glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol. Glass cleaners or rubbing alcohol won’t leave any residue like soap will, and it won’t cause any damage if you accidentally get some on your screen. Most importantly, make sure you are not using anything abrasive on your screen. While scrubs can get rid of dirt and grime, they are known for scratching sensitive computer screens. If you're concerned about screen scratches from cleaning products or dust build-up in general, put your laptop in its case while you clean it; that way, nothing will come into contact with your screen unless it already has.

How to do it
Put your laptop in sleep mode (or better yet, turn it off completely), which will help keep it cool and avoid disturbing its internal components. Remove any external accessories such as a hard drive or charger that might get wet during cleaning and avoid using a laptop in direct sunlight, which can damage its screen. Use the anti-microbial cloth to gently wipe away fingerprints from your screen. Feel free to spray on some glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol if you feel like doing so. For tougher smudges, use a side of your microfiber cloth to buff off grime. Wipe down your screen again with the microfiber cloth to remove any streaks left behind by your damp cloth. Finish up by giving your computer keyboard and trackpad a quick once over. Never spray directly onto either surface because doing so could ruin them permanently—instead, spray cleaner into a separate cloth first and then use that to clean each surface. Be sure not to rub too vigorously when wiping down these areas since they are sensitive touchscreens made up of thousands of tiny pixels that can be damaged easily through excessive rubbing or scrubbing.
What you should keep in mind
- A microfiber cloth is extremely useful when it comes to cleaning laptops. The cloths are lint-free and won’t leave behind fibers that could possibly scratch your screen.
- Avoid using paper towels when cleaning a laptop screen. Surprisingly, they may scratch your screen.
- Applying pressure or rubbing in circular motions while you clean your laptop screen can lead to scratches, so take care not to scrub too hard or for too long on any one section of your computer screen.
- Oily foods are some of the worst offenders when it comes to leaving behind smudges on your screen, which can make them difficult to remove even with proper precautions.
It's true that the recommended steps on taking care of laptop units would vary for each manufacturer. But the above tips are still generally safe ways of cleaning your screens, no need to worry about voiding your warranties!