It’s always exciting to be on the last month of the year while a new one approaches because this means we all have plenty of time to spend for a holiday vacation especially for those who have been working so hard the whole year.
For those are preparing to go away, regardless if it’s on a beach or a camping area somewhere it is important to think about the important things to bring because being able to bring what you really need is what will make your adventure fun and hassle-free. At this moment, I’m not referring to your diving googles or bottle of sunblock. Instead I like to mention something that might not cross your mind immediately while thinking about an ideal holiday; cleaning tools.
I know what you think; “Meh, that was inappropriate.” But hear me out first. Packing cleaning materials is essential due to several reasons such as in case you get sick, stain a piece of clothing or stay in a place that may be less clean than originally expected. So, here we will discuss some travel friendly cleaning supplies that you may want to bring along depending on to your vacation destination.
If you will be on a Camping Trip, aside from a bar or liquid soap which is important to clean your hands and avoid picking up diseases in the woods, you should also bring dish cloths such as Lola Cellulose Sponge Cloths which you can use in scrubbing dishes, utensils, and cooking gear.
Meanwhile, a small cloth like Lola Wowables can come in handy whenever you need something to wipe your hands and feet off to make sure your RV or your camping tent will be clean at all times.
Garbage bags are also essential to properly dispose wastes or carry wet clothes and laundry to the laundry mat.
Bringing a short-handled broom and mop is also a good idea especially if you are coming with an RV. So, you will be able to sweep off the particles you might have brought from the outside. You can check Lola for their broom and mop products.
Now let’s go the things that you need to bring if you plan on going to the Beach. First and foremost, a supply of stain removing hand wipes to wash off greasy sunscreen and remove stains caused by beach snacks. Good thing that Lola has Anti-microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloths - comparable to Clorox® Handi Wipes® for your beach getaway.
Bringing a gentle laundry soap is always relevant in this kind of vacation because it is useful in washing out salt and sand from your body, your clothing and your towels which can be made out of delicate fabrics.
Meanwhile, for those who are up for some sightseeing, a hand sanitizer is your partner as you go around visiting museums, monuments, stores and ride public transportation. If you are staying in a hotel, it is also advisable to bring some disinfectant wipes or spray because you will be coming into contact with common areas such as door knobs, telephones, etc.
Make your trip not only happy but also safe for you and your loved ones. Do not forget to bring the right cleaning supplies as they can help you in your journey to be organized and prevent diseases. You can always check Lola for cleaning products which you can buy and bring-along in your next adventure. Travel safe!