It's the perfect time to organize your home now that Christmas is over and the New Year has arrived, after the tree and other decorations have been taken down, of course. Here are 12 New Year's resolutions you absolutely must keep if you want your house to function at its best in 2023.
- Clean out the cabinets in the kitchen. Restock all of your essentials, including flour, sugar, condiments, and canned foods, but when you do so, throw away anything you won't use before Christmas. Use it up now or lose it; the New Year is not the time to stockpile unfinished jars of cranberry sauce or mincemeat. Donate any food or non-perishable items that are still good but that you no longer need to your local food bank. Create a simplified approach by decanting your ingredients, from rice to pasta, to organize your kitchen cabinets.
- Never lose anything by storing 'like items' together. Use one straightforward principle to overcome the difficulty of finding a place for gifts and special Christmas items: store "like with like." For ease the next year, keep all decorations in one location (e.g., attic, garage, loft). Label everything. Sort related toys and games, as well as scarves, jewelry, socks, and underwear, in the children's bedroom. Basically, develop the practice of being organized; it will make life at home lot simpler.
- Avoid doubling up since. Make a commitment to check your cleaning supplies, toiletries, and other household essentials before you buy more. Your cabinets will become a mess if you keep too many of the same thing, and you'll spend more money. Make a note of the things you actually need to replace on a memo pad and keep it in the utility or kitchen.
- Keep your boots and shoes in check. Keep dirt outside as much as you can when cleaning. This entails providing a room for shoes and placing doormats at the entrances.
- Put your post in one place. Avoid letting papers pile up on desks and tables, including letters, bills, and circulars. All posts should go in one location, which should be used as a "holding area." Make it a goal of yours to schedule some time, twice a week, to sift through the pile, handling important issues right away and filing the remainder. You won't have as many heaps of opened and unopened mail if you develop this behavior.
- Each season, declutter the home. Make it a practice to clean thoroughly on a regular basis and to declutter each room of your home in the spring, summer, and fall. As it can be intimidating to think about decluttering the entire house, take it on room by room. Start with the smallest room first; remember to take tiny, manageable steps.
- Set up a recycling routine. Consider making this the year you master recycling. Put trash cans and bags in a convenient location, and if there aren't any nearby collection points, try your neighborhood recycling facility. By purchasing recycling bags with labels, you can easily separate your household waste.
- Find a simple filing method. Avoid making things too complicated this year if paperwork and critical documents scare you. Simply label each card document wallet with a category, such as "gas," "electricity," "broadband," or "school," from a pack of them. Find a convenient location to store them all and file each letter or bill in the appropriate file. Even better, choose paperless billing wherever it is practical. Keep only what you absolutely need, arrange your files alphabetically, and, if you can, color-code your documents.
- Make a washing system. Invest in a set of drawstring cotton laundry bags to hang on the back of each bedroom door in place of the bathroom's laundry pail. Since the bags can be washed, this prevents filthy clothes from accumulating on the floor and is also more hygienic.
- Plan maintenance and renovation work. Now that the holiday season is over, consider the maintenance tasks you need to complete to get your home in order, from simple tasks to larger ones. Consider the associated costs and potential savings before undertaking any significant changes. After making a to-do list, prioritize the tasks that need to be done immediately and give yourself a realistic deadline.
- Make cleaning simple for you. Keep a basic kit (use a caddy or bucket) in every room in the house, including the bathroom, kitchen, and utility room, as having access to cleaning supplies makes it easier, for example, to clean the bathroom. Additionally, you'll save time and effort, which will make maintaining a household routine much less of a hardship.
- Establish a weekly schedule. All family members should pitch in to keep the house running properly. Hold a family gathering so the children can decide on a variety of tasks that are age-appropriate and can be completed at a particular time each week. To make sure that everyone keeps to their responsibilities and jobs, choose a family planner and post it in a visible location for everyone to see. It's ideal for adding a touch of order to a hectic family and home life.
Every January, you make a resolution to spend more time with your loved ones, save more money, or lose weight. Yet what objectives do you have for your house? The aforementioned goals will improve your home's aesthetic appeal, functionality, cleanliness, and environmental friendliness throughout the upcoming year.