Lola Clean Freaks

Declutter and Destress: Clever Tips to Tame Your Chaotic Bedroom

Declutter and Destress: Clever Tips to Tame Your Chaotic Bedroom

Is your messy bedroom adding to your daily stress? You're not alone. Research shows that cluttered spaces can increase feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. The good news is, a few simple changes can turn your chaotic bedroom into a serene sanctuary.

Here are three tips to help you organize your space and reclaim your peace of mind:

Declutter with Purpose: Start by ruthlessly decluttering your bedroom. Get rid of anything that doesn't belong or doesn't serve a purpose. Clothes that no longer fit, books you'll never read again, and knick-knacks collecting dust—toss them out or donate them. Remember, less clutter means less to clean and less to distract you.

Utilize Storage Solutions: Invest in storage solutions that maximize your space. Under-bed storage bins are great for storing off-season clothes or extra bedding. Consider a bedside table with drawers or shelves to keep essentials within reach but out of sight. Use hooks or racks on the back of doors for hanging clothes or accessories.

Establish a Cleaning Routine: Once your bedroom is decluttered and organized, establish a cleaning routine to maintain it. Make your bed every morning—it sets the tone for the day and instantly makes the room look tidier. Set aside a few minutes each day to pick up any stray items and do a quick dusting or vacuuming. A little daily maintenance goes a long way in keeping your bedroom stress-free.

Remember, your bedroom should be a peaceful retreat where you can relax and unwind. By decluttering, organizing, and maintaining your space, you can transform your messy bedroom into a calming oasis that promotes restful sleep and reduces stress.

Stone-Cold Clean: A Guide to Refreshing Your Pizza Stone

Stone-Cold Clean: A Guide to Refreshing Your Pizza Stone

Ah, the pizza stone – a beloved tool in the arsenal of any pizza aficionado. Its ability to crisp crusts and impart that perfect charred flavor is unmatched. But with great pizza comes great responsibility, namely, the inevitable mess that can accumulate on your prized stone. Fear not, for we're here to guide you through the art of cleaning and stain removal, ensuring your pizza stone stays in top-notch condition for many more delicious pies to come.

Understanding Your Pizza Stone

Before we delve into cleaning techniques, it's essential to understand the composition of your pizza stone. Most pizza stones are made from porous materials like ceramic or cordierite, which absorb moisture and can retain stains and odors if not properly maintained. This porous nature is what gives pizza crusts that coveted crispiness but also makes cleaning a bit more challenging.

Regular Maintenance

The key to keeping your pizza stone pristine is regular maintenance. After each use, allow the stone to cool completely before cleaning. Never submerge a hot pizza stone in water, as rapid temperature changes can cause it to crack. Instead, gently scrape off any stuck-on bits of food with a wooden or plastic scraper. Avoid using metal utensils, as they can scratch the surface of the stone.

Basic Cleaning

For everyday cleaning, a simple wipe down with a damp cloth or sponge will suffice. Avoid using soap or detergent, as these can be absorbed by the porous surface of the stone and impart unwanted flavors to your pizza. If you encounter stubborn residue, create a paste using baking soda and water and gently scrub the affected area with a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly and allow the stone to dry completely before using it again.

Dealing with Stains

Despite your best efforts, stains may still occur on your pizza stone, especially if you're fond of toppings like tomato sauce or cheese. Fear not, for there are several methods you can employ to banish stubborn stains:

  • Vinegar Soak: Fill a basin or sink with equal parts water and white vinegar and allow the stained area of the pizza stone to soak for several hours or overnight. The acidity of the vinegar helps to break down stubborn stains, making them easier to remove.
  • Baking Soda Paste: Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a paste, then apply it to the stained area of the pizza stone. Allow the paste to sit for several hours before scrubbing gently with a Nylon Net One Side. Rinse thoroughly and repeat the process if necessary.
  • Lemon and Salt Scrub: Cut a lemon in half and dip the cut side into coarse salt. Use the lemon half to scrub the stained area of the pizza stone, applying gentle pressure as needed. The acidity of the lemon combined with the abrasive action of the salt helps to lift stains and eliminate odors.
  • Commercial Cleaners: If all else fails, there are commercial cleaners specifically formulated for cleaning pizza stones available on the market. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, and always rinse the stone thoroughly after cleaning to remove any residue.

Preventing Future Stains

To prevent future stains from occurring, consider using a pizza peel or parchment paper to transfer your pizzas onto the stone. This creates a barrier between the food and the surface of the stone, minimizing the risk of staining. Additionally, avoid using cooking oils directly on the pizza stone, as they can create a sticky residue that is difficult to remove.

With these tips and tricks in your arsenal, you'll be able to keep your pizza stone looking and performing its best for years to come. So go ahead, fire up that oven, and let the pizza-making adventures continue!



In fact, several scientific studies have investigated the correlations between keeping a clean home and mental and physical well-being.

Study on Clutter and Stress: In a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in 2010, researchers from UCLA found that women who described their homes as cluttered had higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, compared to women who described their homes as tidy. The study suggests a link between clutter and stress levels.

Research on Cleanliness and Mood: A study published in the journal of Environment and Behavior in 2010 examined the relationship between cleanliness and mood. Researchers found that participants who described their homes as clean and organized reported higher levels of positive mood and lower levels of negative mood compared to those who described their homes as cluttered and disorganized.

Sleep Quality and Cleanliness: Research published in the journal of Sleep Health in 2015 investigated the association between bedroom environmental characteristics, including cleanliness, and sleep quality. The study found that participants who reported cleaner and more organized bedrooms had better sleep quality and fewer sleep disturbances compared to those with cluttered and messy bedrooms.

Physical Activity and Cleaning: A study published in the journal of BMC Public Health in 2011 explored the physical activity benefits of household chores. Researchers found that engaging in household cleaning activities was associated with higher levels of physical activity and contributed to meeting recommended physical activity guidelines.

Cleanliness and Respiratory Health: Research published in the journal of Indoor Air in 2009 examined the impact of indoor environmental factors, including cleanliness, on respiratory health. The study found that reducing indoor air pollutants through cleaning and ventilation strategies could help improve respiratory health and reduce the risk of respiratory symptoms.

These studies provide empirical evidence supporting the positive effects of a clean home on mental and physical well-being. These findings highlight the importance of maintaining a clean and organized living environment for overall health and wellness.

Home Sweet Home? 10 Signs Your Space is a Wellness Wrecker!

Home Sweet Home? 10 Signs Your Space is a Wellness Wrecker!

Is your home truly your sanctuary, or could it be secretly sabotaging your wellness? While we often think of our homes as safe havens, they can sometimes harbor hidden hazards that impact our health and well-being. From poor air quality to clutter-induced stress, here are 10 signs that your humble abode might be harming your wellness:

1. Stale Air Syndrome:

If your home feels stuffy and lacks proper ventilation, you could be breathing in pollutants and allergens that irritate your respiratory system. Invest in air-purifying plants or consider adding an air purifier to your space to freshen things up.

2. Toxic Tango:

Chemicals lurking in cleaning products, furniture, and even building materials can release harmful toxins into the air. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning solutions and look for furniture made from natural materials to minimize your exposure to harmful chemicals.

3. Mold Mayhem:

Water leaks and high humidity can create the perfect breeding ground for mold, which can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. Keep an eye out for signs of mold growth and address any moisture issues promptly to keep your home mold-free.

4. Light Pollution Pitfall:

Exposure to artificial light, especially blue light emitted by screens, can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and negatively impact your overall health. Limit screen time before bed and consider installing blackout curtains or using a sleep mask to create a more conducive sleep environment.

5. Noise Pollution Nightmare:

Constant exposure to loud noises, whether from traffic outside or appliances inside, can increase stress levels and interfere with your ability to relax and unwind. Invest in soundproofing materials or use white noise machines to create a quieter, more peaceful environment.

6. Clutter Chaos:

A cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind, causing feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Take the time to declutter your space regularly and create organized systems to keep things neat and tidy.

7. Sleepless Sanctuary:

An uncomfortable mattress or inadequate sleep environment can disrupt your sleep quality and leave you feeling tired and groggy. Invest in a supportive mattress and create a calming bedtime routine to promote better sleep.

8. Poor Posture Pandemonium:

Improper ergonomics in your home office or living space can lead to poor posture and chronic pain. Invest in ergonomic furniture and take frequent breaks to stretch and move throughout the day to keep your body happy and healthy.

9. Tech Overload:

While technology has its benefits, being constantly plugged in can lead to screen addiction and digital burnout. Set boundaries around screen time and create tech-free zones in your home to promote mindfulness and connection.

10. Nutrition Nuisance:

A poorly stocked kitchen or lack of healthy food options can make it challenging to maintain a balanced diet and nourish your body properly. Keep your kitchen stocked with nutritious ingredients and make meal prep a priority to support your overall wellness.

By addressing these 10 signs of home-related wellness woes, you can create a space that not only looks good but feels good too. Remember, your home should be a place of rejuvenation and relaxation, so don't let hidden hazards stand in the way of your well-being.

Mirror, Mirror: 10 Cleaning Mistakes That Guarantee Streaky Mirrors!

Mirror, Mirror: 10 Cleaning Mistakes That Guarantee Streaky Mirrors!

When it comes to cleaning mirrors, it seems like a simple task: spray, wipe, and admire your reflection, right? Well, not quite. If you've ever been frustrated by streaks and smudges that just won't budge, you're not alone. Even the most seasoned cleaners can fall victim to common mistakes that leave mirrors looking less than pristine.

To help you achieve a flawless reflection, we've consulted cleaning pros to uncover the top 10 cleaning mistakes that always lead to streaky mirrors.

Using Too Much Cleaner: It's tempting to douse your mirror in cleaning solution, but this can actually do more harm than good. Excess cleaner can leave behind a residue that causes streaks.

Neglecting to Dust First: Dust and debris on the mirror's surface can turn into streaks when mixed with cleaning solution. Always dust your mirror with 360° Duster Kit before spraying it with cleaner.

Using the Wrong Cloth: Avoid using paper towels or abrasive cloths, as they can leave behind lint and scratches. Opt for a Jumbo Microfiber Cloth instead.

Spraying Directly onto the Mirror: Spraying cleaner directly onto the mirror can lead to oversaturation and streaks. Instead, spray onto your Jumbo Microfiber Cloth.

Using a Dirty Cloth: A dirty cloth will only spread dirt and grime around, leading to streaks. Make sure your cloth is clean before using it on your mirror.

Not Rinsing Properly: Failing to rinse your mirror thoroughly after cleaning can leave behind residue that causes streaks. Always rinse with clean water and dry with a clean All Purpose Cloth.

Using Vinegar or Ammonia on Antique Mirrors: While vinegar and ammonia can be effective cleaners, they can damage the backing on antique mirrors, leading to streaks and damage.

Cleaning in Circles: Cleaning in circular motions can actually create streaks. Instead, wipe in straight lines from top to bottom.

Not Buffing with a Dry Cloth: After cleaning, buffing the mirror with a dry Jumbo Microfiber Cloth can help remove any remaining streaks and leave your mirror sparkling.

Skipping Regular Cleaning: The longer you wait between cleanings, the harder it will be to remove streaks and grime. Make sure to clean your mirrors regularly to maintain a streak-free shine.

By avoiding these common cleaning mistakes, you can achieve a streak-free shine on your mirrors every time. So, next time you're faced with a streaky mirror, remember these tips from the pros and enjoy a crystal-clear reflection.

Scrubbed Out: 7 Signs You're Using the Wrong Cleaning Products

Scrubbed Out: 7 Signs You're Using the Wrong Cleaning Products

Cleaning your home is a chore that's hard enough without using the wrong products. From streaky windows to stubborn stains, the right cleaning products can make all the difference.

Here are seven signs that you might be using the wrong ones:

Streaky Surfaces: If your mirrors and windows never seem to sparkle, it might be because you're using a cleaner that's leaving streaks behind. Look for a glass cleaner specifically designed to leave surfaces crystal clear.

Lingering Odors: While cleaning products often have a scent, if the smell lingers long after you've finished cleaning, it could be a sign that you're using the wrong product. Opt for cleaners with a fresh, clean scent that doesn't overpower.

Residue Build-Up: Some cleaners leave behind a sticky residue that can attract dirt and grime. If your surfaces always seem to get dirty quickly after cleaning, it might be time to switch to a cleaner that rinses away cleanly.

Fading Colors: Harsh cleaners can sometimes cause colors to fade, especially on fabrics and carpets. Look for gentle, color-safe cleaners to keep your belongings looking vibrant.

Stubborn Stains: If you're constantly battling stubborn stains, it might be because your cleaner isn't up to the task. Look for cleaners specifically designed to tackle the types of stains you're dealing with, whether it's grease, wine, or something else.

Damaged Surfaces: Using the wrong cleaner can sometimes damage surfaces, especially delicate ones like wood or granite. Make sure you're using cleaners that are safe for the surfaces you're cleaning.

Allergic Reactions: If you or your family members experience allergic reactions after cleaning, it could be due to the chemicals in your cleaning products. Look for hypoallergenic cleaners that are gentle on sensitive skin.

In conclusion, using the right cleaning products can make a world of difference in how clean your home looks and feels. Pay attention to these signs to ensure you're using the right products for the job.

Grate Expectations: Mastering the Art of Cleaning Cast-Iron Stove Grates

Grate Expectations: Mastering the Art of Cleaning Cast-Iron Stove Grates

Tired of wrestling with stubborn grime on your cast-iron stove grates? Don't throw in the towel just yet! Cleaning these heavy-duty kitchen essentials doesn't have to be a Herculean task. With the right tools and techniques, you can restore your stove grates to their former glory without causing any damage to their finish.

Say goodbye to grease and hello to gleaming grates with these expert cleaning tips.

Prep Like a Pro: Before diving into cleaning, make sure your stove grates are cool to the touch. Attempting to clean hot grates can not only be dangerous but can also cause cleaning solutions to evaporate too quickly, reducing their effectiveness.

Scrape Away the Grime: Start by using a Copper Mesh Scourer to remove any large chunks of debris from the grates. This initial step will make the cleaning process much smoother and prevent scratches.

Soak in Suds: Fill a sink or large basin with warm, soapy water. Submerge the stove grates and let them soak for at least 15-20 minutes. The warm water and soap will help to loosen stubborn grease and grime, making it easier to remove.

Get Scrubbing: Armed with a Non-Scratch Wonder Scourer, gently scrub the soaked grates to remove any remaining residue. Avoid using abrasive materials like steel wool, as they can scratch the surface of the cast iron.

Degrease with Vinegar: For extra stubborn spots, create a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar. Dip Wonder Scourer and use it to scrub away grease and buildup. Vinegar's acidic properties help to break down tough stains without harming the cast iron.

Rinse Thoroughly: Once you've finished scrubbing, rinse the stove grates thoroughly with clean water to remove any lingering soap or vinegar residue. Ensure that all cleaning agents are completely washed away to prevent any unwanted odors or flavors from transferring to your food.

Dry Completely: After rinsing, use a Jumbo Microfiber Cloth to thoroughly dry the stove grates. Moisture can lead to rust, so it's essential to ensure that they are completely dry before reassembling them on your stove.

Season Regularly: To maintain the finish and prevent rust, consider seasoning your cast-iron stove grates regularly. Apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the grates and heat them on the stove for a few minutes to create a protective barrier.

By following these simple yet effective cleaning tips, you can keep your cast-iron stove grates looking pristine without risking damage to their finish. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to tackle those grimy grates like a pro!

Revive Your Outdoor Oasis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Refreshing Your Outdoor Cushions for Spring

Revive Your Outdoor Oasis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Refreshing Your Outdoor Cushions for Spring

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, it's time to prepare your outdoor living spaces for the warmer months ahead. One essential task to tackle is cleaning your outdoor cushions, which may have accumulated dust, dirt, and grime over the winter months. Follow this step-by-step guide to revive your outdoor oasis and make your cushions look as good as new.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin, gather all the necessary supplies. You'll need a bucket, mild detergent or specially formulated outdoor fabric cleaner, a soft-bristled brush like Eco Clean Bamboo Scrub Brush, a hose with a spray nozzle, and, of course, your outdoor cushions.

Step 2: Remove the Cushion Covers

If your cushions have removable covers, take them off and set them aside. If not, you'll clean them while they're still on the cushions, but be careful not to soak the cushions too much to avoid damaging the filling.

Step 3: Brush Away Debris

Take your soft-bristled brush and gently brush away any loose dirt, dust, or debris from the cushions. This will make the cleaning process more effective.

Step 4: Pre-Treat Stains (If Necessary)

If you notice any stubborn stains, pre-treat them with a stain remover or a mixture of detergent and water. Let it sit for a few minutes to penetrate the stain before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Fill your bucket with water and add a small amount of mild detergent or outdoor fabric cleaner. Mix the solution until it's well blended.

Step 6: Clean the Cushions

Dip your brush into the cleaning solution and gently scrub the cushions, working in a circular motion. Pay extra attention to areas with stains or spots. Avoid using harsh brushes or scrubbing too vigorously, as this could damage the fabric.

Step 7: Rinse Thoroughly

Once you've cleaned the cushions, rinse them thoroughly with clean water using a hose with a spray nozzle. Make sure to remove all traces of the cleaning solution to prevent residue buildup.

Step 8: Air Dry

Place the cushions in a sunny spot outdoors to air dry completely. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight for extended periods, as this could cause the fabric to fade.

Step 9: Reassemble

Once the cushions are completely dry, reassemble them if you removed the covers. If you washed the covers separately, make sure they are completely dry before putting them back on the cushions.

Step 10: Maintain Regularly

To keep your outdoor cushions looking their best, clean them regularly throughout the spring and summer months. This will help prevent dirt and stains from building up and extend the life of your cushions.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily clean your outdoor cushions and revive your outdoor oasis in preparation for spring. Enjoy your refreshed outdoor space and make the most of the warmer weather ahead!

Spin Cycle Success: Mastering Washing Machine Cleaning Like a Laundry Pro

Spin Cycle Success: Mastering Washing Machine Cleaning Like a Laundry Pro

Ah, the trusty washing machine. It diligently cleans our clothes week after week, but have you ever stopped to think about how much it deserves a little TLC itself? Cleaning your washing machine might not be high on your list of priorities, but it’s essential for maintaining its efficiency and longevity. Plus, a clean machine ensures your clothes come out smelling fresh and looking their best every time. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the ultimate guide on how to clean your washing machine like a laundry pro.

First things first, gather your supplies. You’ll need white vinegar, baking soda, Jumbo Microfiber Cloth, an old toothbrush, and some hot water. Once you have everything on hand, it’s time to get started.

Begin by cleaning the exterior of your washing machine. Wipe down the control panel, knobs, and any other surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. For stubborn stains or grime buildup, dip the cloth in a mixture of water and mild detergent. Don’t forget to clean behind the machine and underneath it as well.

Next, it’s time to tackle the inside of the washing machine. Start by running a hot water cycle with two cups of white vinegar. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and will help dissolve any soap scum or mineral deposits inside the machine. Once the cycle is complete, wipe down the interior with a damp cloth to remove any loosened residue.

Now, it’s time to freshen things up with baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda inside the drum of the washing machine. Then, using an old toothbrush, scrub around the door seal and any hard-to-reach areas where mold or mildew may be lurking. Baking soda is great for eliminating odors and deodorizing the machine.

After scrubbing with baking soda, run another hot water cycle to rinse out the drum and remove any remaining residue. You can also add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree oil, to the water for a refreshing scent.

Once the cycle is complete, wipe down the inside of the machine again with a damp cloth to ensure it’s thoroughly clean. Pay special attention to the detergent dispenser and any filters or lint traps that may need to be cleaned or replaced.

Finally, don’t forget about the exterior of the machine. Give it one last wipe down with a clean, damp Wowables® to remove any remaining vinegar or baking soda residue.

And there you have it – your washing machine is now sparkling clean and ready to tackle your laundry with renewed vigor. By following these simple steps on a regular basis, you can keep your washing machine running smoothly and ensure your clothes come out looking and smelling their best every time. So go ahead, give your trusty appliance the love and attention it deserves, and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you’re a laundry pro.

Master the Art of Cleaning: A Professional's Guide to Cleaning Your Leather Couch

Master the Art of Cleaning: A Professional's Guide to Cleaning Your Leather Couch

A leather couch adds sophistication and elegance to any living space. However, it also requires proper care and maintenance to keep it looking its best. Cleaning a leather couch may seem daunting, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve professional-level results. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cleaning your leather couch like the professionals.

Gather Your Supplies: Before you begin, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment, a Jumbo Microfiber Cloth, distilled water, mild soap or leather cleaner, and a leather conditioner.

Remove Dust and Debris: Start by vacuuming the entire surface of the couch using the soft brush attachment. This will help remove any dust, dirt, or debris that may have accumulated on the leather.

Spot Test: Before cleaning the entire couch, it's important to spot test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the leather to ensure that it does not cause any damage or discoloration.

Clean the Leather: Once you have tested the cleaner, dampen a microfiber cloth with distilled water and gently wipe down the entire surface of the couch. Avoid using too much water, as leather is susceptible to water damage.

Apply Cleaner: If the leather is particularly dirty, you can use a mild soap or specialized leather cleaner. Apply a small amount of the cleaner to a clean, damp cloth and gently scrub the soiled areas.

Remove Excess Moisture: After cleaning, use a dry microfiber cloth to remove any excess moisture from the leather. Allow the couch to air dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Condition the Leather: Once the couch is dry, apply a leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and supple. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

Buff the Leather: After applying the conditioner, use a clean, dry cloth to buff the leather to a beautiful shine. This will also help remove any excess conditioner.

Maintain Regularly: To keep your leather couch looking its best, it's important to clean and condition it regularly. This will help prevent dirt and grime from building up and prolong the life of your couch.

Protect from Sunlight: Lastly, remember to protect your leather couch from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause the leather to fade and crack.

By following these simple steps, you can clean your leather couch like a professional and keep it looking beautiful for years to come. With proper care and maintenance, your leather couch will continue to be a stunning centerpiece in your home.