The renovation period is an inevitable part of improving one’s home. It is like a butterfly going into its cocoon stage where metamorphosis takes place. It may be a bit of a hassle, especially if you are not planning to move your things in a temporary location, but we all know that it’s for the better. Expect your place to be filled with a pile up of debris as the renovation area becomes busy and occupied. But it’s not an excuse to just let your home become messy for the rest of the construction period. There are still plenty of ways to keep your house clean.
Here are some tips to help you while planning on how you can maintain cleanliness during your home’s renovation.
Keep the Renovation Area Covered
It is important to keep the renovation area blocked not only to make sure that the workers won’t be disturbed while working but also to make sure dust and debris won’t scatter all around your home. You can use a curtain or a plastic cover on windows and doors and clean it at the end of each working day. You can also lay boards on floors especially if the work involves the use of sand or paint. As a makeshift cover made up of tarpaulin to cover different areas, Lola Wowables™ is a useful and reusable paper towel that can be used to wipe off dust from the covers.
It can also be used to clean the mud and sludge carried by the shoes of the workers as they head in and out of the renovation area. Spills are also inevitable from time to time due to paint and other chemicals needed at the construction.
Mop Your Floors and Wipe Uncovered Furniture
If you are opting for a good paint job, arm your workers with a Lola 360 Extender Duster which they can use to collect dust and other kinds of dirt before applying the coating. It reaches high areas and narrow gaps so it is effective and convenient to use. Using this can help make sure your newly painted walls will be smooth and won’t have bumps and cracks.
Meanwhile, if you can’t entirely cover, or move out all your furniture locked into a separate room away from the renovation area, you have no choice but to prepare for the aftermath which comprises of tough cleaning. Some pieces of furniture have finishing which may get dulled and destroyed once the dust settles on them for long.
Dust and debris can also get stuck into deep cracks and crevices of furniture destroying detail work. Preserve the looks of your furniture through the renovation by wiping them from time to time with Lola Jumbo Microfiber Cleaning Cloth which is made for deep cleaning but won’t leave scratch or any form of damage on your belongings.
Make it a habit to Clean After Every Work Day
Cleaning up after a day’s work will help reduce the amount of dust and debris that will spread throughout the house. You can talk to your workers or the contractor about it. You can have the area being renovated vacuumed to maintain a clean and orderly work area for the next day or you can do some sweeping using Lola Angle Broom or if you want a bundle that has everything you need from sweeping, mopping, and dusting, get Lola Mop & Broom “4-In-One” Snap -In Cleaning Kit which comes with its own storage rack.
Maintaining cleanliness is one of the responsibilities which has to start before renovations and must continue during and after it. Aside from being excited, you must also be eager and willing to do the cleanup that it entails. This not only ensures a healthy and happy home but also gives a certain amount of physical workout that you need.