Sanitation and cleanliness among other things should be for everyone, not just for selected people.
Regardless whether you are rich, poor, educated or not, you have the right to it.
Therefore, in support to our fellow who are not that well off in life, we will discuss spring-cleaning tips for everyone without their social standing hindering them.
We will also give them affordable product recommendations that will help them have wonderful spring-cleaning experiences.
We know that Spring is the one of the only times that you can deal with everything else that you forgot to clean for the rest of the year so we will not let you miss it.
Young or old, our home’s kitchen is always the best place to look for something to munch on when our stomach starts to grumble.
Indeed, it is one of the most vital parts of every household. So now that the clouds has given way for the sun to shine its brightest, perhaps you’ll also be in the mood to deal with the kitchen that’s been longing for your cleaning touch for too long.
Lola Jumbo Microfiber Cloth is available to polish and restore the shine of your kitchen surfaces while helping repel stains for only under $5.00.
For that price, you will afford the power of millions of micro polyfibers capable of digging into cracks and crevices to deep clean surfaces.
This towel is both efficient and protective; cutting grease and removes surface stains without damaging the surface.
Now, time to raise those blinds or shades and wash the windows! Just wait for an overcast day and start on the shady side of the house to prevent direct sunlight from leaving streaks.
You can use Lola Wowables™ to wipe clean the windows without leaving scratches.
After that, you can lower the blinds and dust with 360° Extender Duster Set if you do not have a vacuum that you can use at home. It has an extendable handle that will help you reach in to clean the blinds thoroughly.
Ceiling Fixtures
The ceiling is one of the places at home that you do not notice often. Probably because you are, busy for work, or for school, or anything that composes your routine.
Some might say that they cannot afford doing it even now that it is spring.
However, we beg to differ, because with our very affordable Lola Rola Sticky Mop™, you can already clean not only ceiling fixtures but also your walls, floors, and furniture.
So go grab one now to deal with everything and anything in all corners of your home that has dust or dirt in it.
Save yourself a lot because you can invest on this all-around cleaning tool instead of paying more for a vacuum.
Truly, this tool is for people from all walks of life.
Pots and Pans
Life will not be complete without even having several pieces of cookware at home especially when you are on a tight budget and cannot afford a new one.
The best you can do is to take care of what you have right now and ensure that they will last as long as they are meant to be or beyond.
Pot Brite™ Scour and Sponge is what we want to recommend for you. Every time you are done using your pots or pans, you can use this scrub sponge to remove any remaining stuck-on bits or sauce stains.
We assure you that this will not leave damage on your cookware. So you can use your money for other important things.