Cleaning is an important part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Given the recent events worldwide due to the CoVid-19 pandemic, people are now placing more of an emphasis on making sure that their homes are clean and bacteria-free. But it is undeniable that this task can be time-consuming and boring sometimes. Don't worry though, as there are a number of ways to make cleaning fun. If the past 6 weeks or so have proven anything, it's that cleaning your home isn't an option - you must do it and do it properly if you want to stay healthy.
Check out the following tips on how to make cleaning fun and entertaining, so that you don’t dread doing regular housekeeping:
Do it Along with Your Friends...while still Socially Distancing!
Modern day technology is nothing short of amazing. It has allowed companies to continue running normally despite a nationwide pandemic, families to see each other from across the country, and even friends to have group workout sessions while not leaving their homes! Well guess what? You can utilize that same technology to have your friends join you while cleaning!
Set up a Zoom group chat , an Instagram Live session, or even a simple Facetime with your friends. Together, you can clean your house or apartment all while chatting - and seeing each other from a safe distance! Using Lola Wowables®, you can easily clean surfaces and furniture without tearing through a roll of paper towels which will also prevent you from worrying about running out and having to risk your health by going to the supermarket! Try giving it a shot and you'll be amazed at how quickly you were able to clean your home! (Remember, we LOVE feedback so if you try this, we'd love to see your comments and pictures - you can either leave them in the comment section or tag us @lolacleanfreaks on Instagram)
Make it a dance party!
No one ever said you can't have a dance party by yourself! Although if you want to do it with friends while safely socially distancing, you can set up a Zoom meeting or IG Live, pump the tunes, and clean away! Regardless of whether you are alone or have "digital" company, you can always blast your favorite playlist as you work your way through each room. The music will help set a tempo for your cleaning, meaning you’re more likely to keep moving so it is more effective while you are hittin' your floors with a Lola Angle Broom. To level up this task, you can try wiping down all the surfaces in your living room with our Lola Anti-Microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloths before a song has ended (use them with a cleaning solution or disinfectant spray for best results). This is a way of pushing yourself into a new challenge that will make you more eager to finish the task.
Turn it into a Game or Competition!
There are endless ways to turn cleaning into an entertaining and fun activity that will be enjoyed by the whole family (or whoever you're quarantined with). It could be played while folding laundry, wiping down tables and other surfaces with Wowables®, cleaning up the floor with the Lola Rola Sticky Mop, or freshening up the walls by removing dust and dirt using the Lola 360° Extender Duster . You can race against time or compete with each other to add some thrill and give yourselves an opportunity to win rewards after doing your assigned tasks.
Make cleaning a form of working out!
For those who frequent a gym, you all know that they've been shut down during this pandemic. Home workouts via IGTV and Zoom are becoming very popular now as everyone looks for an alternative to going to the gym or even just an outlet from being cooped up in the house all day. Cleaning is so much more encouraging when you have another goal aside from "cleaning" - It can also be a way to stay fit and healthy!
You can do labor-intensive chores such as cleaning your bathroom tub with Rubaway Eraser Pads to burn calories while making your tub look brand new. You can also clean the grout between tiles with the same Rubaway Eraser Pads - guaranteed to make your floor look brand new, while also making you feel the burn!
Up your cleaning game!
Chances are if you're reading this you're spending 90% of your day inside the house. If you're going to clean, you might as well have a nice new arsenal of tools at your disposal. First and foremost, be sure to have a roll of our Wowables®. Doing so will guarantee that you won't run out of paper towels during the pandemic which also means you won't have to fight the masses at your local supermarket. Since we offer Free Shipping on orders of $30 and over, stock up on the staples: Jumbo Microfiber Cloth, Pot Brite™ All Purpose Scrub Sponges, Rubaway Eraser Pads, the 360° Extender Duster, and a Lola Rola Sticky Mop. ...and don't forget the refills!