Hosting or attending a party sounds like the craziest idea specially with what’s happening around. It is one of the top scenarios where people are at a high risk of contracting the deadly COVID-19 virus. That is why not doing would be our expected advice from experts. But this doesn’t mean that it is not possible to do this safely.
In fact, many families and group of people are still having fun on occasions and small gatherings without getting sick. The explanation is simple: that with great caution, partying is still possible and enjoyable. Here are some cleaning tips that you can practice along with other safety measures so you can safely socialize during the pandemic.
In order to do this, it is a must for everyone to strictly practice all safety measures and more. Wearing of face mask, face shield, and other protective clothing is also important especially for those from outside or those who are planning to go out and buy supplies. The use of alcohol and hand sanitizers are also helpful to ensure harmful germs and viruses will be eliminated.
It might sound crazy but physical distancing is still inevitable even in these situations. To make this easier, it would be better if the host will just limit the number of attendees. That is if he/she is really eager to push through the party.
When eating or drinking, avoid sharing utensils and glasses. Many will say that this is too much but it’s better to be safe than sorry right? While doing these safety measures, we also advise to level up cleaning to make sure that there will be no spread of the deadly disease.
Lola Anti-Microbial Clean N' Wipe™ Cloth is one of the cleaning cloths that you can count on during these times. It is treated with anti-microbial agents that won’t allow bacteria and bad odor to develop. You can use it on doorknobs, windows, tables, and other hard surfaces together with disinfecting agents.
Meanwhile, A roll of Lola Wowables™ will be helpful in limiting any direct contact on the different surfaces around the house that might put the person at risk of contracting the disease. It can be used to hold and open doors when people come in and out. It can also be used to wipe off stains on sofas and chairs and collect used utensils and other table wares so there’s no need to touch them directly. Plus, it can serve as a protective cover. This cleaning tool is washable and biodegradable so it is completely safe.
Our Lola Rola Sticky Mop™ has a long, durable metal handle which will allow you to reach the ceiling, or high corners and furniture. It will also give space and keep you distant from surfaces that you are cleaning so you can avoid droplets from spilling into you. Its adhesive mop head also makes it great and convenient in cleaning the carpets and rugs on the floor.
Partying and celebrating may not be a good idea nowadays especially with what’s going around the world where many are sick or dying. But this year doesn’t also have to be dreadful all throughout. It’s okay to go on occasions as long as we keep being sensitive about what others might feel. Perhaps limit posting on social media about your celebration so others won’t feel as if you are happy with what’s going on. Take care, enjoy and keep healthy!